Chemical Data Collections
- Ttile
- Chemical Data Collections
- 2405-8300
- Description
Chemical Data Collections (CDC) provides a publication outlet for the increasing need to make research material and data easy to share and re-use.
Publication of research data with CDC will allow scientists to:
Make their data easy to find and access
Benefit from the fast publication process
Contribute to proper data citation and attribution
Publish their intermediate and null/negative results
Receive recognition for the work that does not fit traditional article format
The research data will be published as 'data articles' that support fast and easy submission and quick peer-review processes. Data articles introduced by CDC are short self-contained publications about research materials and data. They must provide the scientific context of the described work and contain the following elements: a title, list of authors (plus affiliations), abstract, keywords, graphical abstract, metadata table, main text and at least three references.
The journal welcomes submissions focusing on (but not limited to) the following categories of research output: spectral data, syntheses, crystallographic data, computational simulations, molecular dynamics and models, physicochemical data, etc. - Publisher (Journal )
- Country (Journal )
Linked resources
Title | Item sets |
Fabrication and investigating of a nano-structured electrochemical sensor to measure the amount of atrazine pollution poison in water and wastewater |
Part of Chemical Data Collections