Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii
- Ttile
- Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii
- 2218-3000
- 2414-1267
- Description
Journal “Radioelectronics. Nanosystems. Information Technologies” (abbr RENSIT) publishes original articles, reviews and brief reports, not previously published, on topical problems in radioelectronics (including biomedical) and fundamentals of information, nano- and biotechnologies and adjacent areas of physics and mathematics.
The authors of the journal are academicians, corresponding members and foreign members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) and their colleagues, as well as other russian and foreign authors on the proposal of the members of RANS, which can be obtained by the author before sending articles to the editor or after its arrival on the recommendation of a member of the editorial board or another member of the RANS, who gave the opinion on the article at the request of the editior.
The editors will accept articles in both Russian and English languages.
Articles are internally peer reviewed (double-blind peer review) by members of the Editorial Board. Some articles undergo external review, if necessary.
Designed for researchers, graduate students, physics students of senior courses and teachers.
- Publisher (Journal )
- Russian Academy of Natural Science
- Country (Journal )
- Website
Linked resources
Part of Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii