احمد فيصل مطيع محمد صالح
- Academic title
- م.د
- Scientific degree
- دكتوراه
- Fullname(En)
Ahmed Faisal Alhassan
- Fullname
- احمد فيصل مطيع محمد صالح
- Surname
- الحصان
- [email protected]
- Gender
- ذكر
- College (Author)
College of Pharmacy
- Departement (Author)
Department of Pharmacy
- Arabic Language Level
- 5:Advanced
- English language Level
- 5:Advanced
- Specialty(En)
Pharmaceutical sciences
- Speciality(Ar)
- علوم صيدلانية
- Subspecialty(En)
- Pharmacology
- Subspecialty(Ar)
- علم الادوية
- Qualifications
"بكالوريوس صيدلة (2000) جامعة بغداد / كلية الصيدلة
ماجستير في البحوث الطبية (2007) جامعة العلوم الماليزية / ماليزيا
دكتوراه صيدلة (2014) جامعة العلوم الماليزية / ماليزيا"
- Scientific Expertise
"تريسي في كلية الرشيد الجامعة / قسم الصيدلة (2013 - 2020)
تدريسي في كلية النسور الجامعة / قسم الصيدلة (2020 - 2022)
تدريسي في جامعة النور / كلية الصيدلة (2022 - لغاية الان)"
- Most cited
"Ahmad Faisal Mutee, Gurjeet Kaur, Gokula Kumar, Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad, Imran Abdul Khalid and Mei Lan Tan (2009). Immunohistochemical Evaluation of mTOR and Beclin-1 Protein Expression in Human Breast Cancer and Adjacent Normal Tissues, A Study in Malaysian Patients. The Open Pathology Journal, 3: 111-117.
Ekhlas Qaid Gazem Othman, Gurjeet Kaur, Ahmad Faisal Mutee, Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad and Mei Lan Tan (2009). Immunohistochemical Expression of MAP1LC3A and MAP1LC3B Protein in Breast Carcinoma Tissues. J. Clin. Lab. Anal., 23: 249–258.
O.Z. Ameer, I.M. Salman, Md. J.A. Siddiqui, M.F. Yam, R.N. Sriramaneni, A.F. Mutee, A. Sadikun, Z. Ismail, M.Z. Asmawi (2009). Vascular Responsiveness to Macrosolen cochinchinensis Extracts inIsolated Rat Thoracic Aorta. Int. J. Pharmacol., 5: 191-199.
Mutee A.F., Yam M.F., Lim C.P., Ameer O.Z., Awadh A.I., Abdullah G.Z., Abdulkarim M.F., Salhimi S.M. and Asmawi M.Z. (2010). Antioxidant effect of Peperomia pellucida extracts. Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Suppl.1) 183.
A.F. Mutee, S.M. Salhimi, M.F. Yam, C.P. Lim, G.Z. Abdullah, O.Z. Ameer, M.F. Abdulkarim and M.Z. Asmawi (2010). In vivo anti-inflammatory and in vitro antioxidant activities of Peperomia pellucida. Int. J. Pharmacol., 6: 686-690.
Ghassan Z. Abdullah, Muthanna F. Abdulkarim, Mallikarjun Chitneni, Ahmed F. Mutee, Omar Z. Ameer, Ibrahim M. Salman, and Azmin M. Noor (2010). Preparation and in vitro evaluation of mebeverine HCl colon-targeted drug delivery system. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 1-12.
Muthanna F. Abdulkarim, Ghassan Zuhair Abdullah, Mallikarjun Chitneni, Elrashid Saleh Mahdi, Mun Fei Yam, Ahmed Faisal Mutee, Ibrahim M. Salman, Omar Ziad Ameer, Mohanad N. Sahib, Munavvar Zubaid Abdulsattar, Mahiran Basri, Azmin Mohd. Noor (2010). Formulation and characterization of palm oil esters based nano-cream for topical delivery of piroxicam. Int. J. Drug Delivery, 2: 287-298.
Muthanna F. Abdulkarim, Ghassan Zuhair Abdullah, Mallikarjun Chitneni, Elrashid Saleh Mahdi, Mun Fei Yam, Ahmed Faisal, Ibrahim M. Salman, Omar Ziad Ameer, Mohanad N Sahib, Munavvar Zubaid Abdulsattar, Mahiran Basri, Azmin Mohd Noor (2010). Stability studies of nano-cream containing piroxicam. Int. J. Drug Delivery, 2: 333-339.
Ghassan Z Abdullah, Muthanna F Abdulkarim, Ibrahim M Salman, Omar Z Ameer, Mun F Yam, Ahmed F Mutee, Mallikarjun Chitneni, Elrashid S Mahdi, Mahiran Basri, Munavvar A Sattar, Azmin M Noor (2011). In vitro permeation and in vivo anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of nanoscaled emulsions containing ibuprofen for topical delivery. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 6: 387–396.
Ahmed Faisal Mutee, Salizawati Muhamad Salhimi, Farid Che Ghazali, Faisal Muti Al-Hassan, Chung Pin Lim, Kamarruddin Ibrahim and Mohd Zaini Asmawi (2012). Apoptosis induced in human breast cancer cell line by Acanthaster planci starfish extract compared to tamoxifen. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 3, 129-134.
Ahmed Faisal Mutee, Salizawati Muhamad Salhimi, Farid Che Ghazali, Abdalrahim FA Aisha, Chung Pin Lim, Kamarruddin Ibrahim and Mohd Zaini Asmawi (2012). Evaluation of anti-cancer activity of Acanthester planci extracts obtained by different methods of extraction. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 25, 697-703.
Nibras J Tahseen, Nada S Shaker, Zeena A Hussein, Ahmed F Mutee, Ahmed M Al-Tuhafi (2020). The effects of Phentermine and Lorcaserin on body weight, food intake, and visceral fat in Mice: comparative study. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 10 (1).
Zeena A Hussein, Nada S Shaker, Nibras J Tahseen, Ahmed M Al-Tuhafi, Ahmed F Mutee (2020). Possible anti-psoriasis effect of the methanol extract of Phoenix dactylifera L. seeds. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 9 (4)."
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Part of احمد فيصل مطيع محمد صالح