The role of audio visual aids in teaching English
- Title
- The role of audio visual aids in teaching English
- Abstract
The present study aims at showing the role of audio-visual aids used in teaching English as well as investigating the effect of audio- visual aids in teaching English. Audio-Visual aids are materials used by the teacher in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Audio-Visual aids are those instructional devices that are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make it easier and more interesting. The results of this research show that audio-visual aids help our students in verbalization. But most teachers do not use these aids which have great educative value. These are not ordinary materials rather these are teaching materials. Audiovisual aids give direct sensory experience to the students.
- Scientific Type
- اكاديمي
- Journal volume
- vol.6,No(S5)
- Collaboration type
- مشترك
- Publish Date
- July 20, 2022
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- Not in Scopus
- Clarivate status
- Not In Clarivate
- Pub. Med. status
- Not In PubMed
- Journal (Publication)
- International Journal of Health Sciences
- Publisher (Publication)
- Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
- 2550-6978
- Country (Publication)
- Ecuador
- Country type
- عالمية
- College (Publication)
- College of Education
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of English Language
- Media
- Academic Paper