Prediction of speed of sound and specific heat capacity of ionic liquids using predictive SAFT-based equation of state
- Title
- Prediction of speed of sound and specific heat capacity of ionic liquids using predictive SAFT-based equation of state
- Abstract
In this work, the predictive PC-SAFT EoS has been developed to predict the speed of sound, the isochoric and isobaric heat capacity of ionic liquids (ILs) over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. In this new methodology, the segment number and diameter of ILs have been estimated using the surface area and molecular volume of the UNIFAC model. The segment energy and association energy parameters have been obtained using an inverse relationship between dispersion/association energy and segment diameter. The results show that the predictive PC-SAFT model can predict the specific isochoric and isobaric heat capacity of ILs up to high pressure, accurately. In the case of the speed of sound, the model performance is acceptable by considering using no adjustable model parameters. To check the model capability, the new model results have been compared to the electrolyte PC-SAFT EoS.
- Scientific Type
- اكاديمي
- Journal volume
- vol.265,118246
- Collaboration type
- مشترك
- Publish Date
- October 28, 2022
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- GLA University
- Al Mustaqbal University College
- Ahl AL Bayt University
- AL Farahidi University
- The Islamic University in Najaf
- Imam Reza University
- Islamic Azad University
- Al Nisour University College
- Scopus status
- In Scopus
- Scopus index year
- 2 023
- Scopus quarter
- 1
- Scopus citation score
- 7
- Clarivate status
- In Clarivate
- Clarivate index year
- 2 023
- Clarivate impafact
- 4.888999939
- Pub. Med. status
- Not In PubMed
- Author (Publication)
- سهام جاسم عبد الله علي
- Journal (Publication)
- Chemical Engineering Science
- Publisher (Publication)
- Elsevier
- 0009-2509
- Country (Publication)
- United kingdom
- Country type
- عالمية
- College (Publication)
- College of Health and Medical Technologies
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of Dental Prosthetics Techniques
- Media
- Academic Paper