The Role of Vitamins B Complex in the Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: an Electrophysiological Study
- Title
- The Role of Vitamins B Complex in the Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: an Electrophysiological Study
- Abstract
Background: Diabetic neuropathy has an increasingly challenging clinician due to limited available therapeutic remedies, including vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, and physical therapy. To evaluate the effect of vitamin B complex on diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPNP) by assessment of nerve conductive study. Methods: Fifty diabetic patients with signs and symptoms of diabetic symmetrical peripheral neuropathy (DSPNP) enrolled in the study. A nerve conductive study (NCS) was done for all patients, according to the result of the NCS the patients were divided into 2 groups, group one includes 36 patients with mild to moderate DSPNP, and group two consisted of 14 patients with severe DSPNP, both groups received vitamins B for 3 months. NCS was repeated every month of treatment for 3 successive months. Results: In a mild and moderate group there is a significant improvement in nerve conductive studies (p<0.001), while in severe group patients there was no such improvement. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that vitamin B complex has a beneficial effect on mild to moderate cases of patients with DPNP.
- Scientific Type
- غير معروف
- Journal volume
- vol.19,No.3
- Collaboration type
- مشترك
- Publish Date
- February 5, 2024
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- In Scopus
- Scopus index year
- 2 023
- Scopus quarter
- 3
- Scopus citation score
- 3.099999905
- Clarivate status
- Not In Clarivate
- Pub. Med. status
- Not In PubMed
- Journal (Publication)
- Review of Diabetic Studies
- Publisher (Publication)
- Lab and Life Press
- 1613-6071
- Country (Publication)
- Germany
- Country type
- عالمية
- College (Publication)
- College of Health and Medical Technologies
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of Anesthesia Techniques
- Media
- Academic Paper