The Early American Inhabitants ( Origins and Socio- Cultural Tradition).
- Title
- The Early American Inhabitants ( Origins and Socio- Cultural Tradition).
- Abstract
Many questions are raised of who are the first early inhabitants of America before its discovery by Chr. Columbus(1451- 1506),and where do their tribes come from? They are certainly people who have their own social and cultural features. This approach sheds light historically on the nature of discovering America itself in 1492, and on the important theories of the Red-Indians’ origin, besides their socio- cultural, and religious tradition so long as part of them still live in America. The Objective: is to investigate the theories which are concerned with their origins, and to know their cultural and social tradition as well.
أسئلة كثيرة تثار حول سكان أميركا الأصليين قبل اكتشاف القارة الأميركية. فهم بالتأكيد أناس يمتلكون خصائص اجتماعية وثقافية .. اذن ، من أين جاءت هذه القبائل ؟ كما يلقي البحث الضوء تاريخيا على طبيعة اكتشاف أميركا من قبل كرستوفر كولومبس عام1492م، وعلى أهم النظريات المطروحة حول أصولهم، اضافة الى موروثهم الثقافي الاجتماعي والديني علما ان كثيرا منهم مازال يعيش هناك لحد الآن. هدف البحث هو الاستقصاء والبحث في نظريات واصول سكان اميركا الأصليين وتراثهم الاجتماعي الثقافي .
- Scientific Type
- غير معروف
- Journal volume
- خاص كلية النور
- Collaboration type
- منفرد
- Publish Date
- March 4, 2023
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- Not in Scopus
- Clarivate status
- Not In Clarivate
- Pub. Med. status
- Not In PubMed
- Author (Publication)
- ميسر قاسم ذنون جرجيس
- Journal (Publication)
- College of Education for Women Journal
- Publisher (Publication)
- الجامعة العراقية
- 2708-1354
- Country (Publication)
- Iraq
- Country type
- داخل العراق
- College (Publication)
- College of Education
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of English Language
- Media
- Academic Paper
Part of The Early American Inhabitants ( Origins and Socio- Cultural Tradition).