Cyber-Attacks and the Erosion of the Right to Legitimate Defense.(الهجمات السيبرانية تجاوز لحق الدفاع الشرعي)
- Title
- Cyber-Attacks and the Erosion of the Right to Legitimate Defense.(الهجمات السيبرانية تجاوز لحق الدفاع الشرعي)
- Abstract
- Scientific Type
- غير معروف
- Journal volume
- vol.2023,No.19
- Collaboration type
- منفرد
- Publish Date
- September 27, 2023
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- Not in Scopus
- Clarivate status
- Not In Clarivate
- Pub. Med. status
- Not In PubMed
- Author (Publication)
- فارس احمد إسماعيل إبراهيم
- Journal (Publication)
- مجلة الجامعة العراقية
- Publisher (Publication)
- الجامعة العراقية
- 1813-4521
- Country (Publication)
- Iraq
- Country type
- داخل العراق
- College (Publication)
- College of Law
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of Law
- Media
- Academic Paper