A semi-supervised ensemble clustering algorithm for discovering relationships between different diseases by extracting cell-to-cell biological communications
- Title
- A semi-supervised ensemble clustering algorithm for discovering relationships between different diseases by extracting cell-to-cell biological communications
- Abstract
- Scientific Type
- غير معروف
- Journal volume
- Vol.150,No.1
- Collaboration type
- مشترك
- Publish Date
- January 2, 2024
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- In Scopus
- Scopus index year
- 2 025
- Scopus quarter
- 1
- Scopus citation score
- 7.599999905
- Clarivate status
- In Clarivate
- Clarivate index year
- 2 024
- Clarivate impafact
- 3.599999905
- Pub. Med. status
- In PubMed
- Author (Publication)
- هبة نشوان سامي مصطفى
- Journal (Publication)
- Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
- Publisher (Publication)
- Springer Nature
- 0171-5216
- Country (Publication)
- Germany
- Country type
- عالمية
- College (Publication)
- College of Health and Medical Technologies
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of Radiology
- Resource class
- Publication
- Item sets
- Publications