Applications of mesenchymal stem cell-exosome components in wound infection healing: new insights
- Title
- Applications of mesenchymal stem cell-exosome components in wound infection healing: new insights
- Abstract
- The healing process at a wound is made up of many types of cells, growth factors, the extracellular matrix, nerves and blood vessels all interacting with each other in complex and changing ways. Microbial colonization and proliferation are possible at the place of injury, which makes infection more likely. Because of this, any cut has a chance of getting an infection. Researchers have found that wound infections make patients more upset and cost the healthcare system a lot of money. Surgical site infections happen a lot to people who have recently had surgery. This study shows that such surgical infection is linked to a high rate of illness and death. This is shown by the fact that 25% of patients get serious sepsis and need to be transferred to an intensive care unit. In both animal models and people, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play an active role in all stages of wound healing and have positive effects. Exosomes are one of the main things MSCs release. They have effects that are similar to those of the parent MSCs. Various effector proteins, messenger RNA and microRNAs can be transported by extracellular vesicles to control the activity of target cells. This has a big impact on the healing process. These results suggest that using MSC-exosomes as a new type of cell-free therapy could be a better and safer option than whole cell therapy. This review is mostly about how to use parts of MSC-exosomes to help wound infections heal.
- Scientific Type
- غير معروف
- Journal volume
- Volume 12
- Collaboration type
- مشترك
- Publish Date
- August 13, 2024
- Participated Universities (Publication)
- Alnoor University
- Scopus status
- In Scopus
- Scopus index year
- 2 024
- Scopus quarter
- 1
- Scopus citation score
- 9.199999809
- Clarivate status
- In Clarivate
- Clarivate index year
- 2 024
- Clarivate impafact
- 6.300000191
- Pub. Med. status
- In PubMed
- Author (Publication)
- عادل توفيق محمد احمد
- Journal (Publication)
- Publisher (Publication)
- 2321-3876
- Country (Publication)
- United States
- Country type
- عالمية
- College (Publication)
- College of Pharmacy
- Departement (Publication)
- Department of Pharmacy
- Media
- Academic paper
Part of Applications of mesenchymal stem cell-exosome components in wound infection healing: new insights